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Compared to the previous year, the prices of some communal services in Ukraine have risen significantly

Five types of services did not change their value for consumers

Utility services as a whole rose in price by 14.6% compared to last year. The increase was recorded compared to January-July 2023 and 2024, the State Statistics Service of Ukraine reports.

Electricity rose in price the most – by 63.6% compared to the same period last year. Among other communal services, the service for managing an apartment building rose in price the most – by 6%. The cost of housing maintenance and repair services increased much less – by 3.4%. The cost of the garbage cleaning service increased almost as much – by 3%. The cost of water supply and sewerage, natural gas, heating and hot water supply did not change.

As previously reported, electricity tariffs have been increased in Ukraine since June 1. Now the tariff for light is 4.32 hryvnias per 1 kWh. This tariff will be valid until the end of April 2025.
