- Review

The law on the insurance experience of Ukrainians abroad: what it provides

The law, which takes into account the period of work of Ukrainians outside the state before the insurance period, included the recommendations of the Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for human rights, Dmytro Lubinets. The law regulates the calculation of pensions and crediting of seniority.

What does the bill provide

Lubinets emphasized that the issues of practical implementation of the norms of this law and observance of citizens’ rights to adequate pension provision are under the control of the Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for human rights.

The law regulates, in particular, the following issues:

  • Calculation of the amount of the pension in proportion to the insurance experience acquired in Ukraine for persons who worked both in Ukraine and abroad;
  • Enrollment of seniority acquired during the period of work in the states that were part of the former USSR;
  • The procedure for paying pensions to persons who temporarily live outside Ukraine, as well as to those who live in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine or during the temporary occupation moved to the territory controlled by Ukraine.

How it should be in practice

The Ministry of Social Policy explained that the adopted draft law solves a number of problems in the field of pension provision. In particular, the mechanism for resuming the payment of pensions for Crimeans is being simplified. The requirement to receive information from the Pension Fund of Russia has been canceled.

Note! Also, to determine the right to a pension, the insurance experience obtained in other countries will be taken into account, even if there is no pension agreement with this country.
That is, a person, after returning from abroad, will have the opportunity to count the period of work in this country to determine the right to receive a pension in Ukraine at the age of 60, 63 or 65. For this, it will be necessary to provide the Pension Fund with a document confirming work outside Ukraine.