On July 18, 2024, the Ukrainian Parliament registered government bill No. 11416, which proposes the actual introduction of new taxes, raising the rates of…
Prices for products in Ukraine will increase significantly
Experts in the agricultural industry predict that prices for products in Ukraine may rise significantly already this fall. One of…
Raising taxes will not help without overcoming the shadow
Raising taxes in Ukraine must be accompanied by the fight against the shadow, otherwise it may have the opposite effect.…
Denys Kostrzhevskyi: the Future of Ukraine’s Transport Infrastructure – Smart Systems and Digitalisation
Smart Modernization After the war, Ukraine will face numerous challenges in restoring and building its transport infrastructure from scratch. Many…
In Ukraine, 30% of veterans cannot find work now
In Ukraine, 30% of veterans cannot find a job now, despite the fact that the labor market needs workers. This…