- Review

In Ukraine, control over purchases in the Prozorro system is being strengthened

During June, 14 new risk indicators were introduced in the Prozzoro system, which automatically detect purchases with signs of possible violations (“red flags”). The indicators were developed and tested by the State Audit Service and Prozorro State Enterprise with the support of the World Bank with the involvement of public experts. This was stated by the head of the State Audit Service of Ukraine Alla Basalayeva.

In the Prozorro system, a large number of purchases of goods, works and services are made with state funds. In the conditions of Russian aggression, these volumes have increased many times, because Ukraine is restoring destroyed objects at an increased pace and taking care of the country’s defense,” the head of the State Audit Service emphasized.

Procurement monitoring is one of the most effective tools for preventing violations, preventing abuse and corruption, and is the only control measure that works preventively.

The strategy for reforming the public procurement system, approved for the period until 2026, envisages a significant expansion of machine-readable data in Prozorro, the digitization of tender documentation and the introduction of e-contracting. The innovation will increase the detection of red flags at all stages of procurement.

According to Alla Basalayeva, the auditors constantly insisted on such changes so that questionable and suspicious purchases were detected at the initial stages, which was always taken into account by Ukraine’s international partners. It is noted that updating the risk indicators allows you to do this automatically.

Strengthening control in the field of procurement affects the reduction of corruption risks, improves the management of financial resources. Undoubtedly, such steps are necessary for Ukraine to increase the confidence of both internal and external investors, contribute to the development of transparency and openness of customers who conduct purchases,” said Alla Basalayeva.