

The forecast rape harvest will be 21% lower than last year

July 16, 2024

According to UkrAgroConsult, this year's rapeseed area is 6% lower than last year's figure, and the yield is 7% lower...

Two-thirds of Oschadbank’s largest customers declared the possibility of bankruptcy due to power outages

June 14, 2024

65% of the 300 largest clients of "Oschadbank" called the power outage critical for their work and assume the possibility of business bankruptcy. This was...

2024 Year of Triumph of Democracy: More than 2.5 Billion People will Be Covered by Election Campaigns – Denys Kostrzhevskyi

June 07, 2024

Elections are the main mechanism for implementing democracy, which allows citizens to participate in the governance of their state. In democratic societies, elections ensure the...

The Council intends to prohibit the disclosure of certain information from court decisions during the war

May 27, 2024

The Verkhovna Rada is going to prohibit the disclosure of individual information from court decisions during the martial law. On Thursday, 250 People's Deputies voted...