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Two-thirds of Oschadbank’s largest customers declared the possibility of bankruptcy due to power outages

65% of the 300 largest clients of “Oschadbank” called the power outage critical for their work and assume the possibility of business bankruptcy. This was stated by the project manager – deputy director of the micro, small and medium-sized business sales department of Oschadbank, Denys Samchuk, reports FinClub.

There are businesses whose work is structured in such a way that if they are shut down, such an enterprise can simply go bankrupt. We conducted a survey among the 300 largest clients of Oschadbank. 80% currently do not understand what to do. 65% said that for them the shutdown electricity is critical and even close to business bankruptcy,” Samchuk said.As an example, he cited enterprises whose products are stored in refrigerators and for which power outages are critical.

Now businesses are asking what kind of energy equipment they should install. Before the war, many installed solar panels, which do not save in this situation. Someone installed diesel generators, but not all of them have enough power to ensure production. Therefore, the situation is critical,” – the confident banker .

Oleksiy Savin, director of the sustainable development department of Ukrgasbank, in turn noted that this creates a demand for lending to business energy independence projects. “Customer demand is so great that there will be enough work for all banks,” the banker believes.

As reported, the chairman of the board of NEC “Ukrenergo” Volodymyr Kudrytskyi previously stated that it would be advisable for industrial consumers of electricity to consider the possibility of providing themselves with their own generation to increase stability in the conditions of attacks by the Russian Federation on the energy system of Ukraine.

We will remind, according to the Ministry of Energy, due to large-scale shelling of the energy infrastructure after March 22, 2024, Ukraine lost about 9 GW of capacity. In particular, the thermal power plants of the state company “Centrenergo” and the hydroelectric plant “Ukrhydroenergo” were badly affected. Due to a shortage of power due to the shelling, the energy system operator NEC “Ukrenergo” began to limit power supply to industry from the beginning of May, and from May 14, the power supply restrictions were extended to household consumers.

Volodymyr Kudrytskyi, the head of the board of NEC “Ukrenergo”, warned that it will not be possible to completely avoid blackouts either in the summer or in the fall.