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Ukrainians will have to work longer

Citizens can retire at the age of 65 under any circumstances.

The government plans to take measures to encourage Ukrainians to work longer. This includes improving working conditions and support for older workers to ensure their active participation in the work process. This was reported by the Minister of Social Policy of Ukraine, Oksana Zholnovych, in an interview with “Ukrinform”.

According to her, the government is not going to raise the retirement age. She explained that the standard introduced in 2017 is considered optimal and should remain unchanged.

This standard does not refer to the age of citizens, but to the number of years of service. However, people can retire at age 65 in any case. Zholnovich noted that this is a completely reasonable option.

“A person at the age of 65 is not a grandfather with a gray beard. He is still a very active individual who wants to be in demand in society, has good opportunities to contribute to the economy and great experience. Given these circumstances, we need to create conditions so that people of retirement age wanted to join the workforce and for employers to see them as a valuable resource as well,” she said.

Thus, the ministry intends to focus on reskilling the elderly and providing them with new knowledge, especially in the field of digital literacy. This will enable them to remain active in the labor market longer.

“That’s why one of our tasks is not to leave people in the “four walls” as early as possible, but to preserve this social activity,” the minister added.

Zholnovich believes that retirement can lead to a certain degree of desocialization, as the need to regularly attend work and be part of a social environment disappears.

We remind you that some pensioners who worked in certain professions and live in rural areas may not pay for communal services. However, it is also important that their average monthly income is no more than 4,240 hryvnias.