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In Ukraine, they want to modernize the “eOselya” program: what changes are foreseen for IDPs

The government wants to modernize the “eOselya” state program, within the framework of which Ukrainians can obtain a mortgage for the purchase of housing. The main goal of the changes is to make the program accessible to immigrants and veterans. People’s deputy of Ukraine, head of the Committee on the Organization of State Power and Local Self-Government, Olena Shulyak, informed about this.

They want to modernize the YeOsel program for three reasons.

The first is accessibility. Currently, the program’s high down payment on housing makes it unaffordable for young people and displaced people. The interest rate also affects the unavailability of the program. After all, only a limited category of people can take advantage of the preferential interest rate of 3%: military personnel, doctors, teachers and researchers. The rate is 7% for all other participants of the program — displaced persons and veterans. Therefore, in order for as many people as possible to use YeOsele, the category of housing recipients under 3% is planned to be expanded.

They also want to make the program more relevant. It must take into account the new realities and offer effective solutions for those most affected – people who have lost their homes, military and veterans. They should become the priority participants of the program.

In addition, parliamentarians propose to simplify the procedure for participating in the program. Currently, to take out a home loan, you have to go through many bureaucratic processes. Reducing administrative barriers will make “eOsela” more accessible and understandable for people.