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NACP has improved clarifications on conflict of interest

The NACP noted that the update mainly concerns the coverage of issues of conflict of interest in the work of close persons and remuneration.

The National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption reported that it has improved the methodological recommendations on the application of certain provisions of the Law of Ukraine “On the Prevention of Corruption” in the issues of preventing and resolving conflicts of interest, as well as compliance with restrictions on the prevention of corruption.

The update mainly concerns the coverage of issues of conflict of interest in the work of close persons and remuneration. These are the two areas in which public servants have the most questions, the NACP noted.

“Now the methodological recommendations describe in more detail the issue of conflict of interest in situations when close persons work in the same state body or at a state (municipal) enterprise (institution, organization). This is a clarification of the circumstances of a conflict of interest, describes four typical situations that may arise when close people work together, and also adds new examples with explanations, including hiring a close person, working under the leadership of a close person, rewarding a close person under external control, etc., “the message says.

In addition, the methodological recommendations also include a new section on conflict of interest when exercising remuneration powers. It describes various situations that arise when resolving issues regarding the establishment of incentive payments, which are divided into two groups: when a conflict of interest exists and when there is no conflict of interest.

It has also been supplemented with new examples on conflict of interest when resolving issues regarding remuneration, from which you can now find out, in particular:

will there be a conflict of interest when submitting a proposal to establish incentive payments for yourself or your manager?

Will a manager have a conflict of interest if he makes a decision about his bonus based on the proposal of the bonus commission, agreed upon by the legal department of the enterprise and the trade union committee?
When does agreeing on the bonus with the appointing entity prevent a conflict of interest?