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Low wages and a shortage of personnel: what is happening in the labor market of Ukraine, the study showed

The results of a sociological survey conducted by the Razumkov Center showed that the majority of Ukrainians are not satisfied with the salary, and a fifth of the respondents are looking for a job with reservations.

The research of the labor market by the Razumkov Center was conducted in June, and its results were published in August. Ukrainians were interviewed in all regions of Ukraine, except temporarily occupied territories and where hostilities are taking place. Among the main problems of the labor market, people named mobilization and shortage of personnel.

What are the problems of the labor market and the field of employment

Among the main problems that currently exist in the labor market of Ukraine, the citizens who participated in the study include:

employee mobilization — 73%,
staff shortage — 53%,
outflow of qualified personnel abroad — 48%,
shading of economic relations — 26%
disparity in salary expectations of candidates and financial capabilities of the business — 22%.
19% reported the unwillingness of recruiters and employers to cooperate with candidates older than 40 years.

It should be noted that the new mobilization rules have significantly affected all sectors of the labor market in Ukraine, but are particularly problematic where the majority of the workforce is traditionally male.

The shortage of personnel is one of the main problems

To the question of whether there is a shortage of personnel at the company where you currently work, 66% of men and 55% of women reported a shortage of qualified and unqualified specialists of all qualifications, among them 30% reported a significant shortage of specialists of all qualifications, 24% reported a shortage of qualified specialists. 32% answered that there is no shortage of personnel.

To the question, What do you think is necessary to overcome the shortage of personnel in Ukraine, the distribution is as follows:

54% answered that it is necessary to retrain employees and redistribute responsibilities in the workforce,
52% — drew attention to the need to spread programs for attracting young professionals and encouraging the return to Ukraine of Ukrainian citizens who are currently abroad,
53% believe that it is appropriate to develop training and adaptation programs for older workers and adaptation of workplaces and employment conditions for older workers and workers with disabilities.
22% expressed the need for automation of production processes.

At the same time, only 15% approve of the involvement of women in male professions. There is almost no support from citizens of Ukraine for attracting labor force from other countries (6.6%).

What do they think about the involvement of workers 60+ in the labor market

Regarding the possible possibility of raising the retirement age in Ukraine, 58% of respondents answered that the negative consequences of raising the retirement age will outweigh the possible positive ones, 16% of respondents believe that raising the retirement age will have approximately equal positive and negative consequences, and only 7% answered , that raising the retirement age in Ukraine can be considered a forced step, and its positive consequences will outweigh the negative ones.

To the question Until what age are you ready to work, you answered as follows:

29% – up to 60 years old,
12% are ready to work until the age of 61-65,
3% – up to 66-70 years old
15% – up to 50-59 years old.

At the same time, 20% answered that they cannot or are not ready to work at all.

The vast majority of surveyed respondents agree with the thesis that if we talk about older workers (55 and older), they mostly have more professional experience and practical skills, readiness for mentoring, less ambition, do not pursue a career, have unique qualifications, from which specialists are no longer trained, agree to a lower salary.

At the same time, 58% of surveyed respondents note that older workers have less energy and lower productivity (58%), they are characterized by a lack of acceptance of innovations, limited skills in the field of advanced digital technologies, poorer knowledge of foreign languages ​​(50%), as well as lack of interest business development prospects (40%).

What are the problems when looking for a job?

The answers to the question What problems do you face when looking for a job are the following:

56% – the main problem is the low level of wages for available vacancies,
52% marked the lack of work by profession
34% — lack of skills and competencies needed by the employer.

Among those who are ready to work and look for work, 52% are ready to undergo retraining for retraining and acquiring new skills, 46% are ready to further study, 39% are ready to learn a foreign language, 34% are ready to change careers, 26% are ready to work in another country, and 25 % are ready to work in another region of Ukraine.

To the question What concessions are you ready to make regarding working conditions when looking for a job among those who work, 32% and 16% among the unemployed are ready to discuss working conditions, but to give in only on certain conditions, 17% of working people and 12% will agree to work only on their own terms regarding jobs, and only 4.5% of both employed and unemployed are ready for any job and any working conditions.

At the same time, 22% expressed that they are ready to work in physically demanding jobs, and 12% in harmful jobs.

The main requirement for the work, for the respondents who took part in the research, there is a decent salary level – this was indicated by the vast majority of the respondents – 89%. The following are also among the requirements:

reservation of workers from mobilization (24%),
additional social benefits, privileges, benefits (24%),
stability of companies and comfortable working conditions (22%),
convenience of location — 16%,
career prospects — 14%,
employee life insurance — 13%,
friendly atmosphere in the team — 11%.