- Experts

The situation is improving, which is why there have been fewer blackouts

The situation with blackouts in Ukraine really got better. But it is worth understanding that after some time everything can change.

Energy expert Gennady Ryabtsev told Kanal 24 about this, noting that the situation with electricity in Ukraine has improved for several reasons. Repairs at nuclear power plants are already being completed. Those units, where spent nuclear fuel was replaced with new ones, became operational. Abnormal heat has also begun to subside in Ukraine.

What happens next

As Ryabtsev emphasized, in the near future there will really be fewer blackouts. But it is hardly worth expecting that they will not be turned off at all. Although the situation will definitely be better than last week.

There are some improvements now, but they won’t last as long as we’d like. After the start of the heating season, the situation will return to the state we saw last week. That is, 3-4 turns of shutdowns during the heating season, Ryabtsev noted.

Unfortunately, as a result of Russia’s spring attacks, Ukraine lost 9 GW of power generation capacity. Therefore, in winter there may well be a deficit at the level of 4-5 GW. Probably, it will not be possible to level it completely. But there are ways to improve the situation. Private investors can help here.

This deficit can be reduced if private investors are more actively involved. First of all, non-energy ones. For example, to install small power plants with a capacity of 1 to 10 MW in various communities. It is desirable that they are cogeneration, so that they generate not only electricity, but also thermal energy. This type of business is quite attractive now. It is considered premium. I think this way it will be possible to significantly reduce the deficit, Ryabtsev said.

However, in general, the situation is such that it is unlikely that Ukraine will be able to avoid stabilization shutdowns until the end of the war.