- Experts

Prices for products in Ukraine will increase significantly

Experts in the agricultural industry predict that prices for products in Ukraine may rise significantly already this fall. One of the key reasons is the rising cost of using generators as alternative sources of electricity. This is reported by Liga.net.

How much do products go up in price?

Experts predict that product prices may rise by 5% to 10% this fall. This is due to the increase in logistics costs.

The Union of Dairy Enterprises of Ukraine estimates that the cost of generators will increase by 5-7%. Other processing enterprises of agricultural products report a possible increase in the cost price of up to 10%. Most likely, Ukrainians will see price increases in stores already in September. This will come against the backdrop of a seasonal decline in the total check, so consumers may not notice these changes at first.

What else is worth knowing?

We will remind you that currently prices for borscht set in Ukraine generally tend to decrease. This is due to the seasonality of most of the products included in this set.

We also reported that since the beginning of the year, producer prices for beverages, which are among the most popular consumer goods, have increased in Ukraine, including mineral still water and beer. At the same time, the price of brandy and other spirits remained almost unchanged.