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Denys Kostrzhevskyi – Industrial Parks in Ukraine: A Strategy for Economic Revival During Wartime

The development of industry and effective attraction of investments, including foreign ones, are critically important for ensuring stability and growth of the national economy. From my experience managing a vital infrastructure project like the Kyiv Sikorsky International Airport, I am convinced that the establishment of industrial parks in Ukraine can catalyze the development of Ukrainian industry. Industrial parks, successfully operating in industrially developed countries, can be a driving force for attracting foreign investment, fostering innovation, and economic revival in Ukraine’s post-war period.

What are Industrial Parks?

Industrial parks are specialized zones designated for the development of new enterprises and industrial complexes. Located on Production complexes, they are equipped with everything necessary for efficient operation—from specialized facilities to advanced infrastructure, including electricity. Industrial parks accommodate warehouse, production, and administrative facilities, significantly simplifying logistics and reducing the costs of organizing production, thereby enabling enterprises to operate with maximum efficiency and coordination.

Objectives of Creating Industrial Parks

The primary goal of Industrial clusters is to promote the sustainable development of a region’s industrial potential, enhancing its investment attractiveness and overall prosperity. This is achieved by creating new jobs and elevating the intellectual and technological potential of the region. Industrial parks also contribute to reducing import dependency and increasing export potential, leading to increased tax revenues. All these factors jointly influence the country’s economic development, stimulating industrial revival and ensuring long-term stability.

The Role of Industrial Parks in a Wartime Economy

The creation of Industrial clusters can be an integral part of supporting the economy both during wartime and in the post-war reconstruction phase. High levels of innovation, foreign investment attraction, technological advancements, new job creation, the restoration of production and export potential, and enterprise tax contributions are vital for maintaining economic stability during war and essential for rapid economic recovery and national rebuilding post-war, aiming for European-level competitiveness.

From personal experience, I see that during war, Industrial clusters play a critical role, not only in maintaining stable economic activity but also in providing production and logistical stability. They facilitate the effective relocation of productions to safer regions, preserving and creating new jobs, which is crucial for the rapid recovery of our economy and further national development, preparing us for a new level of European competitiveness.

The development of industry and effective attraction of investments, including foreign ones, are critically important for ensuring stability and growth of the national economy. From my experience managing a vital infrastructure project like the Kyiv Sikorsky International Airport, I am convinced that the establishment of industrial parks in Ukraine can catalyze the development of Ukrainian industry. Industrial parks, successfully operating in industrially developed countries, can be a driving force for attracting foreign investment, fostering innovation, and economic revival in Ukraine’s post-war period.

What are Industrial Parks?

Industrial parks are specialized zones designated for the development of new enterprises and industrial complexes. Located on Production complexes, they are equipped with everything necessary for efficient operation—from specialized facilities to advanced infrastructure, including electricity. Industrial parks accommodate warehouse, production, and administrative facilities, significantly simplifying logistics and reducing the costs of organizing production, thereby enabling enterprises to operate with maximum efficiency and coordination.

Objectives of Creating Industrial Parks

The primary goal of Industrial clusters is to promote the sustainable development of a region’s industrial potential, enhancing its investment attractiveness and overall prosperity. This is achieved by creating new jobs and elevating the intellectual and technological potential of the region. Industrial parks also contribute to reducing import dependency and increasing export potential, leading to increased tax revenues. All these factors jointly influence the country’s economic development, stimulating industrial revival and ensuring long-term stability.

The Role of Industrial Parks in a Wartime Economy

The creation of Industrial clusters can be an integral part of supporting the economy both during wartime and in the post-war reconstruction phase. High levels of innovation, foreign investment attraction, technological advancements, new job creation, the restoration of production and export potential, and enterprise tax contributions are vital for maintaining economic stability during war and essential for rapid economic recovery and national rebuilding post-war, aiming for European-level competitiveness.

From personal experience, I see that during war, Industrial clusters play a critical role, not only in maintaining stable economic activity but also in providing production and logistical stability. They facilitate the effective relocation of productions to safer regions, preserving and creating new jobs, which is crucial for the rapid recovery of our economy and further national development, preparing us for a new level of European competitiveness.

Conclusion: Industrial Parks at the Heart of Ukraine’s Economic Reconstruction

Based on my extensive experience in managing large-scale projects and understanding economic processes, I am firmly convinced of the strategic role of industrial parks in developing Ukrainian industry, especially in the context of wartime and post-war recovery. Utilizing the potential of these parks is indispensable for sustaining production activities, innovations, and attracting investments, which are vitally important for the restoration of the national economy.

Effective interaction between the state and business sector, which includes developing favorable conditions for the functioning of industrial parks and stimulating domestic and foreign investment activity, is key to achieving sustainable economic development. These actions will not only allow Ukraine to withstand contemporary challenges but also rapidly restore its economy, enhancing its competitiveness on the international stage.

Thus, ensuring the expansion and modernization of industrial parks and establishing productive cooperation among all stakeholders will guarantee not only economic revival but also the strengthening of Ukraine’s statehood overall.

Author: Denys Kostrzhevskyi, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Kyiv International Airport