- Review

Water tariffs have risen sharply: how much will a cubic meter cost, prices by region

For all our dear and respected readers who closely monitor their utility bills, there is very important information. The fact is that the National Commission for Regulation of Energy and Utilities (NEURC) has increased water tariffs for non-domestic consumers. Let us remind you that prices have not been revised since the beginning of 2022.

Thus, new water tariffs for legal entities came into force on June 1, 2024. The increase for industrial enterprises and budgetary organizations turned out to be significant.

This became known thanks to a report from one of the Ukrainian TV channels.

How much does a cube of water cost:

For example, in Kyiv the price of a cubic meter of water has increased by about 50%, and for wastewater disposal by almost 60%. In Lviv, the increase is 39% and 43%, respectively.

So, speaking about a cube of water, the price has increased significantly since June 1 for legal entities. As a result, this also affected the costs of enterprises.

Due to difficult circumstances caused by active hostilities and constant shelling, water tariffs for legal entities were not increased in Kharkov. Thus, the price of water has remained at the same level since June 1.

It is important to note that tariffs for centralized water supply and sanitation for the population remained unchanged. This means that Ukrainians should not worry about how much 1 cubic meter of water costs for the population, because the price has not changed.